
I intended for this page to go live once I had compiled a few more things, but given the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade, as well as explicit mention of the cases that protect your legal right to contraception, same-sex marriage, and non-reproductive sex, I am pushing this page out now. It is a heavy WIP. These will eventually be organized into categories.

  • Abortion Cafe - a site compiling information on obtaining a safe abortion in the United States.
  • Know Your Rights - Protecting Trans Bodies in Death - While this video primarily focuses on how trans people, the advice is applicable to everyone, and may become especially useful if the Supreme Court overturns your right to marry someone of the same sex as you. If you want to ensure that your wishes are honored at the end of your life, or even if you should become unable to make your own medical decisions, this is a must-watch. And if you're ready to jump in and start filling out legal forms, you can find them here.
  • The Community Resource Link - This is a huge list of resources compiled by Anthem BCBS. Just pop in your zipcode to browse programs in your area. It includes things like help getting food, healthcare (including mental and dental care), housing, legal counsel, and more. Your mileage may vary, but I found a lot of entries in my area, including my state's abortion fund. If you have a need and don't know where to start looking, this is a good place.
  • r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH - pretty much what it says on the tin.
  • - the go-to for learning music theory since (possibly before) I was studying music in college.
  • Arcade Finder - this is a crowd-sourced map of arcades across the globe. you can even search for specific game cabinets!